HWA Charitable Foundation

If you help a fellow being on earth, you will be helped by He who is in the heaven

About HWA Charitable Foundation

Bangalore, often touted as the IT hub of India, is, nevertheless, not without its slums and alleyways that are inhabited by those living in degrading conditions of poverty.

People with no shelter to accommodate themselves in, with no provision for even two square meals a day, with none to finance their children’s basic education and with neither facilities nor funds to treat their urgent medical condition – all have, more or less, benefited from the efforts of the HWA Charitable Foundation since its inception in 2005.

The HWA Charitable Foundation, which is a grouping of like-minded socially-engaged individuals centred in Bangalore, works with the prime focus on poverty alleviation and upliftment of the underprivileged people. Most, if not all, of these targeted beneficiaries, imply the economically-challenged and often, physically-challenged groups that eke out a living on a low-income or even a no-income livelihood.

Covid Relief Activities

HWA has been in the forefront in the fight against Covid-19 in Bengaluru ,ever since its outbreak.  HWA, as part of Mercy Mission, has supported in the conversion of HBS hospital as a complete Covid care hospital and Al-Ameen Hospital as a 40-bed Covid care hospital. Our volunteers also assist in operations at Al Ameen Hospital.

Our 24×7 Emergency Response Team and Helpline Task Force, a dedicated team of 130+ volunteers, works on ground and backend for the public. Elderly support, medicines arrangement, travel guidance for emergency cases and food kits and groceries distribution are covered. Assistance with verified information, bed booking, online doctor consultation, general counselling, mental health support and providing home-cooked meals for those in isolation is also ensured.

We have organized Vaccination awareness campaigns and conducted  Vaccination Drive Camps in association with BBMP. Oxygen centers are set up at Mahadevapura and near Coles Park. Ration kits were distributed to 700+ families .  HWA volunteers supports in giving dignified departure to the deceased souls along with the Mercy Angels volunteers. Food distribution drives are run at crematoriums…

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Our Activities

Covid Relief Activities

Our 24×7 Emergency Response Team and Helpline Task Force, a dedicated team of 130+ volunteers, works on ground and backend for the public.

Covid Relief Activities

HWA, as part of Mercy Mission, has supported in the conversion of HBS hospital as a complete Covid care hospital and Al-Ameen Hospital as a 40-bed Covid care hospital.

Covid Relief Activities

Organized Vaccination Drive Camps , oxygen centers  set up , Ration kits  distributed and Support at crematoriums 

Slum Adoption Program - UDHBAV

This is the flagship program of HWA. Currently this program is implemented at a slum in Sevangar and Hegdenagar. It is a holistic and focussed approach to empower the people in these areas so that they can soon become contributors to the society.

Slum Adoption Program - UDHBAV

This is the flagship program of HWA. Currently this program is implemented at a slum in Sevangar and Hegdenagar. It is a holistic and focussed approach to empower the people in these areas so that they can soon become contributors to the society.

Slum Adoption Program - UDHBAV

This is the flagship program of HWA. Currently this program is implemented at a slum in Sevangar and Hegdenagar. It is a holistic and focussed approach to empower the people in these areas so that they can soon become contributors to the society.

HWA Ambulance Services

HWA Ambulance services are now at service for the most needy .

HWA Ambulance Services

Facilities includes freezer, provision for 2 oxygen cylinders, provision for ICU,  facilities for outstation/long travel with patient, facilities for conducting medical camps.

Disaster Management

HWA has been in the forefront during disaster. It has a disaster management team of volunteers who can be called during any emergency situations.

Disaster Management

HWA could extend a good support to the affected people during the floods in Chennai and kerala. Relief items worth Rs. 90 lakhs were provided during the relief activities in kerala and chennai.

Disaster Management

During COVID lockdown HWA worked under Mercy Mission (federation of NGO’s) and could bring relief to migrant labourers, people who lost jobs, covid affected patients, elders etc.

Ration Distribution

Widows, orphans and aged people are supported with ration every month.

Ration Distribution

130 families in 5 different locations are supported with ration every month

Mentoring and Education Scholarship

HWA believes that any change to the society can happen through education only.

Mentoring and Education Scholarship

We provide scholarship to students to pursue their education at high school level and higher education.

Mentoring and Education Scholarship

For the year 2020-21- 160 students are supported with a total amount of Rs. 25 lakhs.

Livelihood Support

In order to ensure the families becomes self-sufficient, HWA provides livelihood support where financial support is provided to buy- autorikshaw, push carts, tailoring machines or for setting up business.

Livelihood Support

In order to ensure the families becomes self-sufficient, HWA provides livelihood support where financial support is provided to buy- autorikshaw, push carts, tailoring machines or for setting up business.

Medical support

Medical emergency support, Medical camps and medicine distribution are taken up.

Medical support

Medical emergency support, Medical camps and medicine distribution are taken up.


New houses are built and handed over for people staying in dilapidated houses and for those who have lost their house in floods.


Renovation of houses are also done as per the requirement.


Few really deserving people are supported either with leasing of house or house rents.

Other Activities

Other activities like blanket distribution, dress distribution, debt clearance support, marriage support etc are taken up as an when required.

Other Activities

Other activities like blanket distribution, dress distribution, debt clearance support, marriage support etc are taken up as an when required.

Other Activities

Other activities like blanket distribution, dress distribution, debt clearance support, marriage support etc are taken up as an when required.

Other Activities

Other activities like blanket distribution, dress distribution, debt clearance support, marriage support etc are taken up as an when required.

News Updates

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Past Events

28th Nov 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Blood Donation Camp

New BEL Road, Bengaluru

? Somebody is Awaiting for you!!❤ ❤️❤️ ❤ They Need you‼️ DONATE BLOOD DONATE LIFE ...

28th Nov

HWA Madiwala Unit Formation & Food Distribution

Near Diary Circle, Bengaluru

14th Nov


Not Provided

? The second edition of Head Start 2021 is here!  This November 14th, HWA is back with the signatur...

What Volunteers Say

The Happiness which I see on people face due my little effort give me imminence pleasure and satisfaction.

Being a human is of no use if one cannot do something for upliftment of the society. HWA provided me the platform for this dream of mine.

The Happiness which I see on people face due my little effort give me imminence pleasure and satisfaction.

Volunteer’s Corner

What are the benefits of being a HWA volunteer?

  1. Build a sense of achievement by helping people in need and making a positive change in their life
  2. Be part of a larger community who work selflessly to benefit of the society
  3. Gain Confidence
  4. Have Fun.
  5. Get volunteering certificate – Add it on your CV.

Volunteer Activities and Training

  1. Field Verification of cases that comes to HWA.
  2. Survey of families as part of HWA Slum adoption program.
  3. Assist in monthly ration distribution.
  4. Assist in medicine distribution during monthly medical camp
  5. Assist in medicine distribution during monthly medical camp
  6. Students teaching.

Open positions for volunteers

  1. Volunteer Teaching
  2. Case verification volunteer – Weekends
  3. Case verification volunteer – Weekends
  4. Case verification volunteer- Weekends
Donor’s Corner

Fund Utilization and Process

  1. HWA collects fund under 2 categories:
    • General donations
    • Project/ Cause specific fund collections
  2. Funds from general donations are used for monthly activities like Ration distribution, medicine distribution etc.
  3. Project/ Cause specific funds are used for specific cause ex: education scholarships, Tuitions, housing etc.
  4. All funds received are to the bank accounts and all expenses are audited.

Ongoing Projects Needing Funds

  1. Monthly Ration: Every month 130 families are supported with ration.
  2. Monthly Ration: Every month 130 families are supported with ration.
  3. Livelihood support: Due to the pandemic lot of auto drivers could not pay their auto loans and they have surrendered or sold their auto, need fund to clear their dues and help them get their vehicle back.

Emergency Projects Needing Funds

  1. Every time disaster strikes, HWA has been in the forefront in enabling the relief activities and providing the same to the most affected areas.
  2. During Covid lockdown, as part of Mercy Mission, HWA helped people with ration, cooked food etc to the value of Rs.67 lakhs.
  3. HWA provided support to elders and comorbid patients staying alone in getting them groceries, medicines and other necessities.
  4. During Kerala Floods in 2018, HWA sent fibre boats for rescue of people stuck in flooded areas. Diesel generator and pressure washer was sent for cleaning the silt filled houses. Food and other relief items worth Rs.75 lakhs was sent to different parts of Kerala and distributed under strict monitoring.