MM Fellowship Program


To all the organizations associated with Mercy Mission, we are delighted to announce the launch of—
Mercy Mission Fellowship Programme

To steer this incredible initiative forward, your support is essential!

Below are some actionable items that each of you can take up at the earliest –

♦️ Kindly go through the Video and Poster for details on the programme.
♦️ Please post the MM Fellowship Launch Video and Poster across all your social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp Broadcasts)
♦️ For Instagram, you can use the IGTV Option to upload the video. And post the “Link to Apply” in the Bio of your page.
♦️ You can use the following text message as caption so there is uniformity :

An 8 month immersive programme for change makers!

Mercy Mission is now accepting Applications for the MM Fellowship Programme ?

✅ Watch the video attached to know more about this unique opportunity.
✅ Link to Know More & Apply:

♦️ Please push this forward to colleges/universities where potential Fellows can be found. You can also suggest leads/POCs to the Fellowship Team and they will take it forward.

MM Fellowship Team


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